Monday, September 15, 2008

To look young or to feel young? (that is the question)

OK, Guys...grab your mocha lattes and let's chat...

I was gonna go political in my post today, but I just had a thought and decided it was much more fun to talk about age and beauty than politics (which is my political problem in the first place, but oh well).

So, I was just in the bathroom looking in the mirror when I got to thinking...which is better...

1) Being young, but looking older
2) Being older, but looking young

Seriously, does it even matter? Is age more how you look or how you feel? Or, is it the actual number that matters to people?

I could go out and tell people I'm 25 and nobody even thinks twice (at least it doesn't seem like they do). In fact, at times I do...depending on the situation, of course. In all actuality, I'm 32, but who's counting? Definitely not my skin, at least I hope not. However, a 25 year old could look 35 and people are like (secretly, perhaps), really? They look much older than that. Now, which situation is actually better, or is it more of a preference?

So I ask the QOD (question of the day)
Would you rather look younger or be younger?

At some point, does it all kind of mix up together and age ends up not meaning anything at all? It tends to be a matter of how you look and feel and not so much the number of years you've lived?

What are your thoughts? Speak to me, people!

Lovingly yours,
Starbucks Sweetie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikka,
I would definitely prefer to be older and look younger. There's a certain "ne se qua" (perhaps knowledge, hopefully from experience)that comes with age, and if you're looking good it's just a plus - people tend to marvel at that. However, to be younger and look older only says that one's had a rough life - not too flattering...just my humble opinion, of course.


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