Sunday, September 14, 2008

Did you ever notice?

So, did you ever notice that with just a few alterations to your surroundings, or the clothes that you wear, or even just the way you did your hair that morning, you can feel like a totally different person? This automatically dominoes to how you perceive the world around you and also how people view you at that moment.

That is how I felt today. I was at church, which is downtown and I just felt like slipping out and running down the street to grab a coffee. The city has a tiny eclectic feel to it, and I enjoyed almost skipping to the coffee shop a few doors down from the movie theater where we hold church. My kids were not attached to me, which is usually what happens on any given day at any give time (I have a 4 year old and a 10 month old). I was alone - no hubby, no babies, just me - wow! I felt carefree, younger, refreshed. In turn, I noticed that people immediately caught on to my happiness and rejuvenation, even for just 10 minutes. I stopped at the coffee shop, chatted with the owner freely and the great thing was the subject was not immediately about children (which is the obvious topic when meeting strangers). For all he knew, I was 25, single and just out and about on a Sunday morning.

I left the coffee shop refreshed and excited to go back to my kids and my husband who were all awaiting my arrival. It was just 15 maybe 20 minutes max, but it made my day to just be me - if even for a moment!

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