Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's Date Night

So tonight's the night that hubby and I get to act like adults, or at least young lovers (in my dreams). We try to have date night every Wednesday, but it usually works out to be once or twice a month because more often than not something always conflicts and we put our hubby/wife togetherness on the back burner.

Now, here's the thing...

Hubby likes to go to the movies on date night. To me, that's not a date. That's two people sitting in silence immersing themselves onscreen. After the movie ends and reality brings us back, the date is over and it's time to go home. Tell me, how is that romantic?

I like to talk, to cuddle, to enjoy each other. Movie nights are great for first dates or even if we have date night often, but when it's rare that we get time to ourselves, sitting in a movie is that last thing I want. Oh well...gotta make Hubby happy, right?

Tonight we're going to see Eagle Eye. Guess I should be happy that he wants to spend time with me rather than be a cry-baby about what we do.

What's your idea of date night? Are you on Team Nikka or Team Hubby?


Diva said...

Definitely Team Nikka. Hubby needs to understand this is the time for you both to LISTEN to each other, either while cuddling or stroking each your feet. Great conversation can go on to eventually lead to a romantic culmination of the date (hopefully no arguments will arise from petty stuff that'll mess up every good thing intended for the night). I am with you, but as you might already know, most guys don't think there's much to talk about or avoid deep conversations all together (I wonder why?). I am with ya. Hopefully your next one will go your way.

Real Tech Mom said...

ok i'm on your side but getting away is getting away at this point! Sometimes i'd rather sleep then go out, or rather go for dinner then get groceries together but we do what we can when we can.

I know DH enjoys movies so i go when we can to see what he likes (within reason) other wise he falls asleep and then i have wasted an evening and money, hope you enjoyed your "date night" maybe try to combine it with something you like too?


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